Enigma Mixins

Enigma.js Mixins



enigma.js functionality can be extended via mixin. This repository contains set of mixins that can be added to any enigma.js instance. Some of the mixins are quite trivial but I've been lazy enough to remember the objects/params and decided to create these "shortcuts" :)

btw who ever made the mixin option available in enigma.js ... Thank you!


This project don't include enigma.js itself. Make sure that enigma.js is installed first:

npm install enigma.js

Then install the mixins:

npm install enigma-mixins

Note For Node.js ws package should be installed as well. And import it: import WebSocket from 'ws'


import enigma from "enigma.js";
import schema from "enigma.js/schemas/12.20.0.json";
import { docMixin, globalMixin } from "enigma-mixins";

// Create enigma session as usual
// but include the mixin property
const session = enigma.create({
// load the required mixins here
mixins: [...docMixin, ...globalMixin],
url: "ws://localhost:4848/app/engineData",
createSocket: (url) => new WebSocket(url),

Available mixins


At the moment only one global mixin is available:

  • mGetReloadProgress - get the reload progress log while reloading an app

    When used this mixin can produce the same result as Qlik's native reload progress messages:

    qlik script and mixin result

    // establish connection and open an app ... as usual
    const global = await session.open();
    const doc = await global.openDoc("some-app-id");

    // init the mixin
    const reloadProgress = global.mGetReloadProgress();

    // prepare the emitter
    reloadProgress.emitter.on("progress", (msg) => {
    // here we will receive the reload messages
    // do whatever you have to do with them :)

    // prepare the on error emitter
    // errors will be emitted by Qlik if configureReload is set correctly (see below)
    reloadProgress.emitter.on("error", (errorMessage) => {
    // any script errors can be handled here
    // FYI on progress will also receive the errors messages
    // just so we can have the complete reload log in one place

    // optional
    // if qUseErrorData is true then onError event will be triggered if the reload is failing
    // https://help.qlik.com/en-US/sense-developer/November2023/Subsystems/EngineJSONAPI/Content/service-global-configurereload.htm
    await global.configureReload(true, true, false);

    const reloadApp = await new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    // or doc.doReloadEx
    // DO NOT "await" doReload or doReloadEx
    // if await them then pooling for reload progress messaged
    // will be started after the app finished reloading
    doc.doReload().then((r) => {
    // give it another few ms to make sure we have all the messages
    setTimeout(function () {
    // stop the mixin from pooling for new messages.
    // The app reload is already complete at this point
    // resolve the main promise
    }, 300);

    // see below for available (optional) options that can be passed
    • mGetReloadProgress(qRequestId) - number - optional parameter to provide qRequestId. Default is -1
    • start({...}) - optional object with few optional properties:
      • poolInterval - number - how often to pool for new reload messages. Default is 200 (ms),
      • skipTransientMessages - boolean - Qlik returns two type of messages - persistent and transient. Persistent messages are the ones that stating which table is started loading, when table is loaded then how many rows are loaded etc. Transient messages are the ones that display how many rows were loaded so far. For example if we are loading table with 1M rows then transient messages will be like: 5025, 120124, 500003 ... 1000000. To ignore these messages set this option to true. Default is false
      • includeTimeStamp - boolean - include the current timestamp for each message. This is the timestamp when the message "arrives" and not when the message was send. Default is false
      • trimLeadingMessage - some of the default messages have a leading space. Setting this option to true will remove the leading space. Default is false


The available doc mixin are "grouped" in the following categories:

  • Selections
  • TableAndFields
  • Variables
  • Extensions EXPERIMENTAL!!!
  • Build/Unbuild EXPERIMENTAL!!!
  • Bookmarks EXPERIMENTAL!!!


  • mSelectionsAll - returns the current selections (if any). This method will return all selected values (even if more than 6 values are selected)

    • no parameters
  • mSelectionsFields - return just an array of the fields, having selections in them

    • no parameters
  • mSelectionsSimple - returns array of field <-> selected value

    • groupByField (optional; default false) If this argument is provided the array will be grouped by field name:

      {field: "Field 1": values: [...]},
      {field: "Field 2": values: [...]},
  • mSelectInField - select a value(s) in the specified field

    • field - field name
    • values - array of string values to be selected
    • toggle (optional; default false)


  • mGetTablesAndFields - returns an object array with the field <-> table relation

    • no parameters
  • mGetTables - returns an array with all table names

    • no parameters
  • mGetFields - returns an array with all field names

    • no parameters
  • mCreateSessionListbox - creates a session listbox object for the specified field

    • fieldName

    • options (optional)

      • type - (optional; default session-listbox) - type of the listbox
      • state - (optional; default $) - in which state to create the listbox
      • destroyOnComplete - (optional) - if set to true once all the operations are complete the session object will "self-destruct". All the info will be returned as normal
      • getAllData - (optional) - if set to true all values will be extracted. Qlik can extract max 10 000 cells of data on a single call. If the data is more than 10 000 data cells paging have to be implemented to get all the data. This method by default will make the initial request with 10 000 cells as initial data fetch and if this argument is passed the method will determine if there is a need of paging and will request all the data from Qlik

    Note Additionally to the obj, prop and layout this method will expose an extra function (flattenData) that can be used to flatten all the existing data. By default all data will be inside the returned layout property in its original format. Once flattenData function is called it will return all the data in array of qMatrix objects (easier to read/use in this format). To avoid duplication and increased resource usage (esp with fields with high number of distinct values) its up to the developer to decide when/if to call this function.

  • mGetSyntheticTables - returns a subset of all data tables. The subset will contains data only for tables which are flagged with qIsSynthetic = true


  • mVariableGetAll - return a list with all variables in the document

    • showSession (optional; default false)
    • showConfig (optional; default false)
    • showReserved (optional; default false)
  • mVariableUpdateById - update existing variable by id

    • id - id of the variable, to be updated
    • definition - the expression/definition of the variable
    • comment - (optional)
  • mVariableUpdateByName - update existing variable by name

    • name - name of the variable, to be updated
    • definition - the expression/definition of the variable
    • comment - (optional)
  • mVariableCreate - create new variable

    • name - (optional; default is empty string)
    • comment (optional; default is empty string)
    • definition (optional;default is empty string)


  • mExtensionObjectsAll - return a list with all extensions objects in the document
    • no parameters


  • mGetBookmarksMeta - returns full info about all bookmarks (to which the user have access)
    • state (optional; default is $) Each row will return:
      • layout - layout of the Qlik object (getLayout())
      • properties - properties of the Qlik object (getProperties())
      • setAnalysis - raw set analysis returned from Qlik. For example: "<state_name={'California','Minnesota','Ohio','Texas'}>"
      • setAnalysisDestructed - set analysis but in more readable format. Using the example above:
        • field: state_name
        • type: field or expression
        • values: array of values in the bookmark.
  • mGetBookmarkMeta - similar to mGetBookmarksMeta but returns the meta for only one bookmark
    • bookmarkId
    • state (optional; default is $)
  • mCreateBookmarkFromMeta - create new bookmark using data from existing bookmark
    • bookmarkMeta -
    • title -
    • description (optional; default is empty string)
  • mGetBookmarkValues - return the values for specific bookmark
    • bookmarkId
    • state (optional; default is $)
  • mCloneBookmark - create new bookmark using data from existing bookmark (kinda similar to mCreateBookmarkFromMeta. In the near future only one of these methods will stay)
    • sourceBookmarkId -
    • state -
    • title
    • description (optional; default is empty string)


If you haven't used corectl now its a good time to start :) But I've wanted to have the same/similar functionality (for building/unbuilding app) in enigma.js as well


  • mUnbuild - Extracts all parts of a Qlik Sense app (apart from the data itself) into JSON object. The resulted JSON object have the following format:

    • appProperties (object)
    • connections (array)
    • dimensions (array)
    • measures (array)
    • objects (array) - all other objects. Including sheets, charts, filters etc.
    • script (string)
    • variables (array)

The result JSON can be stored in file (or multiple files) and put under version control


  • mBuild - Opposite to unbuild. Provide a JSON object with Qlik objects and this mixin will update the existing objects or, if they do not exists, it will create them. The structure of the input JSON object must be in specific format (see unbuild).

To preserve the changes the app have to be saved. The build command do not save the app automatically!

Both mBuild and mUnbuild are throwing errors (if there are any errors of course). Because of this they need to be followed by catch ... just in case. For example:

let build = await qDoc.mBuild(data).catch(function (e) {
// do something with the error here


Full list of available methods can be found here