Interface IGenericVariableProperties

interface IGenericVariableProperties {
    qComment?: string;
    qDefinition: string;
    qIncludeInBookmark: boolean;
    qInfo: INxInfo;
    qName: string;
    qNumberPresentation?: IFieldAttributes;


  • IGenericVariableProperties
    • IGenericVariableProperties


qComment?: string

Comment related to the variable.

This parameter is optional.

qDefinition: string

Definition of the variable.

qIncludeInBookmark: boolean

Set this property to true to update the variable when applying a bookmark. The variable value will be persisted in the bookmark. The value of a variable can affect the state of the selections. Script variables cannot be persisted in the bookmark.

The default value is false.

qInfo: INxInfo

Identifier and type of the object.

This parameter is mandatory.

qName: string

Name of the variable. The name must be unique.

This parameter is mandatory.

qNumberPresentation?: IFieldAttributes

Defines the format of the value.

This parameter is optional.